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Red Tailed Hawk
Admission Date
Rescue Location
Huntertown, IN
Cause of Admission
Possible car strike
Adopted by Kathy Scheffler 2024

Freckles is a very sweet Red Tailed Hawk.  She came to us as a juvenille; she did not have her red tail yet, she had some striped tail feathers and some red.  That means that she was hatched in 2019.  She is now sporting a beautiful red tail.  Freckles can be a little shy, she is still learning to be an educational ambassador.  She does very well on her handler's glove.  In 2020, Soarin' Hawk did a bloodtest and found out that Freckles is a female.   1/15/20  A new Red Tail Hawk presented to ICU. The bird was hit by a car. He has a ruptured crop and a superficial abrasion on his right wing. He will go for xrays and surgery on 1/16/2020 1/16/2020 Surgery was performed on this juvenile hawk  today to close it's ruptured crop. Treatment continues for pain and with an antibiotic in our treatment facility. Xrays also revealed a fracture to its right metcarpal 1/19/2020 Pain medication and an antibiotic continue for this bird 1/26/2020 Pain medication and an antibiotic continue for this bird. We have started hand feeding it small amounts of food. 02/02/2020 This hawk still requires hand feeding. Some birds get very stress out being in treatment, this requires us to hand feed them until they decide to start eating on their own 02/09/2020 This bird's status remains unchanged 02/22/2020 This bird has been moved to our rehabilitation facility 03/01/2020 This guy is eating on its own now. 04/05/2020 Because of its limited vision this bird is non releasable. Our volunteers have begun training this bird to become one of our education birds